Ways of Protection from Corona Virus

Ways of protection from the corona virus are possible with individual measures.

In particular, people should pay attention to their own hygiene and the hygiene of those around them, as well as avoid contact with people in public areas.

1) What should we do against the corona virus in public transport?

Infection and Microbiology Specialist Songül Özer answers this frequently asked question due to Covid -19 as follows: “Of course, we do not have the chance to choose the people we will be with in public transport. So what are we gonna do?

If we come across someone who is sneezing or coughing, or if there is someone we think is feeling bad, we should try not to get closer than 1 meter if possible. But of course, this will not always be possible in public transport. If we have such complaints and show such symptoms, we will actually protect ourselves first. So, it is very important here that the sick person wears a mask. When sneezing, if we can carry a tissue, we should immediately cover our mouth and nose and cough or sneeze. After that, we must immediately throw that handkerchief somewhere where no one will touch it, or at least put it in our pocket and then throw it in the nearest trash can we find. Or if we do not have such a handkerchief, we have to cough or sneeze towards the inner surface of our elbow. Hand washing is also very important here. If we had to come into close contact with such a person, let's wash our hands with normal water and normal soap in the nearest place we can find. This is the only way to protect yourself from the corona virus.”

2) How do you strengthen your immune system against viruses?

Infection and Microbiology Specialist Songül Özer answers this frequently asked question due to Covid -19 as follows: “The corona virus is only one of the microorganisms in our lives. There are dozens of viruses and dozens of bacteria that cause epidemics such as the corona virus. So, will we continue to encounter these viruses, these bacteria or fungi all the time?

Yes, they will always be in our lives. How then will we be protected? Or, if these viruses enter our bodies, the rate of being affected will be very different for all of us. In other words, the work goes around again and comes to the immune system. If we keep our immune system strong, that is, if we eat a balanced diet, we will be strong. What does a balanced diet mean? If we eat everything, of course, if there are foods that are forbidden to us, if we have to follow a special diet, that is separate. But if we eat all kinds of food little by little, in sufficient quantities, that is, if we eat a balanced diet. What about sleep? Yes, this is also very important. It is very important to provide an average of 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. Movement is to do regular exercises according to everyone's age, gender, body structure. We don't necessarily have to go to the gym. We don't have to do gymnastics with tools. Simple walks, short walks at the seaside that will not make us sweat, or in places with high oxygen you can find. These and of course and of course staying away from stress. This is the way to strengthen our immune system. Special supplements are only necessary for certain people. Not everyone needs to take vitamins and not everyone needs to take drugs that strengthen the immune system. A balanced diet, regular sleep and regular exercise are the keys to boosting our immune system.”

3) What should we do against the corona virus in the workplace?

Infection and Microbiology Specialist Songül Özer answers this frequently asked question due to Covid -19 as follows: “If we have a friend who shows symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections such as cold and flu in the same workplace or even in the same room, the simplest thing to do is; trying not to come closer than 1 meter to this person.

If we do not have such a chance, we can wear a normal mask if we have to approach more than 1 meter. It doesn't necessarily have to be an N95 type mask. What I'm talking about is the normal surgical mask. Of course, we should not forget that office equipment such as the items we use in common and the phone we use in common can carry this virus, even for a short time. Even doorknobs or computer keyboards can be contagious in this sense. So hand washing is the most important thing. Washing our hands with normal soap and water for 20-30 seconds before putting on the mask, after removing the mask or after touching the common areas will protect us. So, what do we do if we are at home?

4) What should we do against the corona virus in our home?

Infection and Microbiology Specialist Songül Özer answers this frequently asked question due to Covid -19 as follows: There is a risky group for the corona virus. People under the age of 2 and over the age of 65, or those with underlying disease, respiratory system disease, COPD, heart failure, kidney failure, or people who have had an organ transplant, people who have to use immunosuppressant drugs for any reason.

What should we do if we are with such people in our house, for example, if we have elderly people or children? If there are children who go to school or if we share the same house with our relatives who have to live or work in crowded places. If we are together with the people in this risky group we mentioned, what we will do is actually the same. Again, we should wash our hands with normal water and soap, and if we have to share the same environment with people who have symptoms of such diseases, we should take care to wear a surgical mask. Please pay attention to these rules when contacting our elderly and very young relatives. Well, all or most of us have to use public transport during the day. What will we do if we are faced with someone who shows such upper respiratory tract symptoms while on public transport? We will explain it in the next video.”

5) Pay attention to these to protect yourself from the corona virus!

It seems that the corona virus epidemic is on our agenda and will remain on our agenda for a while. Unfortunately, we are all afraid of the corona virus. Some of us can work in places called open offices where many people use the same hall. At one of these tables, at one of our friends working in this hall, there may be people who state that they are coughing, sneezing or having a high fever. We may have employees who have such complaints. First of all, we will not panic.

This is really important. Because every sneeze, every high fever, every cold symptom, as well as an upper respiratory tract infection, does not mean that a person has a corona virus infection.


What is eczema? Eczema is a skin disease that occurs on the skin as a result of an allergy or stress and is common among the people. Even if it is not dangerous, it is disturbing in appearance. With simple prevention methods, eczema can be kept under control. Especially in the winter months, the low rate of cold air and humidity, water, soap, detergent, dusty environments, occupational chemicals cause eczema. What are the symptoms of eczema? Eczema is usually on the skin of the hands and legs of the feet, on the hair roots; It appears with symptoms such as redness, flaking, itching, watering, burning sensation. Eczema manifests itself as bubbles filled with water in the first place. Then, these bubbles are replaced by dandruff, shells and at the last stage, thickening of the skin is observed. Infection is common in eczema patients because it allows the entry of skin microorganisms that dry easily, flaky and crack. Eczema can be anywhere on the body; but it occurs mostly in the hands, legs and feet. Although it causes an uncomfortable appearance, it is not a dangerous discomfort. Some itching may intensify at night and may wake up from sleep. Even if there is no visible stain, it is beneficial to see the specialist without losing time as itching may be a symptom of eczema. Early diagnosis in eczema treatment is important for successful results. How is eczema diagnosed? Physical examination and patch testing should be done to diagnose eczema. The allergen that appears in the patch test should be investigated by dermatologists and then diagnosed. During the patch test, low concentrations of allergen substances are affixed to the patient's back and observed after 48 to 72 hours. During this period, the person should not play sports, take a shower and behave similarly, which would affect the test. If there is blistering, watering and redness in the area, the patient is determined to be allergic to the substance that is applied to that area. Causes eczema? Genetic factors, allergies or various chemical materials can be involved in the formation of eczema. Reasons for formation may vary according to different types of eczema. Water, soap, detergent, other chemicals and dusty environments prepare the ground for eczema. Workers in housekeeping, housewives and hairdressers are the most common groups in eczema. If allergic origin has occurred, even a small amount of contact with the allergen can cause eczema. Chemical eczema does not improve as long as the contact continues. One of our organs affected by eczema, which has different types, is the hands. Eczema in the hands is mostly caused by the decrease or destruction of the biological defense capacity of the skin. Factors such as water, soap, detergent and dusty environment wear the skin. Bleaching agents, which are frequently used in hand washing and cleaning works, also contribute to the development of eczema. Eczema is mostly seen on the back of the hand and forearm. Dry lesions start asymmetrically from one hand and spread to the other. Eczema can also develop due to allergic causes. Allergic origin eczema does not improve as long as contact continues. It occurs only in people who have been previously sensitive to allergens. The occurrence of an allergic reaction to a substance is a permanent problem. Once the sensitivity has occurred, even a small amount of the allergen substance causes eczema. What are the types of eczema? There are several types of lifelong eczema disease. These can be listed as follows: Atopic eczema: The combination of genetic, immunological and environmental factors is thought to play a role in the development of this type of eczema. Atopic eczema is seen as a host during infancy and childhood. The disease, known as baby eczema, may ease or disappear completely during adulthood; however, it is repetitive. In babies, eczema starts on the face in the first trimester, then spreads to the trunk, arms and legs. In childhood, atopic dermatitis can be seen in the joints, in the arms and legs. In adulthood, it can occur in the eyelids, ear, nipple, intra-articular and hands. Redness, flaking, itching, dryness and thickening of the skin are among the symptoms of atopic eczema. Seborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic eczema, the cause of which is not fully known and chronic, is seen in the areas where the skin is oily, on the face, eyebrows, cheeks, nose edges, beard, middle of the chest, scalp, ears. Seborrheic eczema, also known as ear eczema, is caused by redness, scaling and crusting. Seborrheic eczema, which tends to intensify in winter and spring; conditions such as stress, alcohol, suppression of the immune system. In the ear, seborrheic eczema developing in childhood, swelling of the lymph nodes can be seen, and the infection may be involved. Asteatotic eczema: This type of eczema is more common in the elderly. Frequent bathing, reduction in the amount of oil in the upper layer of the skin or atopy can be seen after the reasons. It can be seen more when dryness increases in winter. It usually appears on the front of the legs, arms and trunk. It causes an appearance, itching, dryness and rash on the skin like a porcelain crack. Contact eczema: It is an acute or chronic reaction to substances that the skin is sensitive to. Contact eczema occurs when the skin is constantly exposed to substances that block its protective oils. Care should be taken against some substances that trigger eczema in contact dermatitis. Contact eczema; It is seen due to cleaning agents, cosmetics, perfumes, nail polish, industrial contact, hair dyes, toothpaste, gum, shoe and foot sprays, trousers zipper, metal buttons, temporary tattoos. Numerical eczema: Numerical eczema seen on the arms and legs, hands, are coin-sized, itchy lesions that can be numerous. It has a chronic course and is mostly seen in young adults and the elderly. The lesions of the numerical eczema are formed by the combination of small bumps called papules and vesicles and show redness, leakage and crusting in the acute period. Itching is much. There may be an infection that triggers numerical eczema. Gravitational eczema: It is a type of eczema that is very common in outpatients and the elderly. It develops with the formation of varicose veins in the lower parts of the legs and impaired blood circulation. Here, the pressure in the vessels increases due to the accumulation of blood, which can cause skin damage. Gravitational eczema can be seen in women who have given birth. It manifests itself with symptoms such as dryness in the legs, itching, blistering, redness. As the eczema becomes chronic, dark spots on the skin, hardening of the skin and then ulcers such as ulcers may occur. What are the most common types of eczema in society? Hair eczema: The scalp is another area where eczema is observed. It is manifested by eczema, exfoliation and scab on the scalp. This skin condition, called seborrheic eczema, is a chronic disease. Although it shows a little more lightening in summer, it is increasing in winter. It is confused with psoriasis. Apart from hair, other areas where seborrheic eczema is observed include the back of the ear, the front of the chest and the sides of the nose. Stress has a great effect on the attack of the disease. Genetic factors have an effect on the development of the disease. Medical shampoos, itching tablets and steroid lotions are given in the treatment of eczema. Ear eczema: Ear irritation and eczema may occur due to earrings, piercings or heavy cosmetics. Although ear eczema is difficult to cure completely, it is possible to keep it under control. Ear eczema treatment can be performed with eczema creams. Ear eczema; It can be seen in the eardrum, ear canal and behind the ear. Factors such as excessive ear sensitivity, burning, bloating, blistering, bleeding are among the symptoms of ear eczema. There are several types of ear eczema. Before starting treatment, the type of eczema should be determined and the appropriate treatment method should be preferred. Hand eczema: One of our organs affected by eczema with different types is the hands. Eczema in the hands occurs due to the decrease or loss of the defense capacity of the skin. Factors such as frequent hand washing, being in contact with detergent, soap and bleach, dusty environment prepare the ground for skin wear and eczema. Eczema in the hand is most common in the forearm and back. Lesions starting from one hand can spread towards the other hand. Percentage eczema: Factors such as the use of harmful cosmetic products, sun exposure, genetic predisposition, stress, immune problems, harmful habits, endocrine problems, vitamin deficiency can cause eczema formation. Even if environmental factors do not trigger, eczema can be seen only on the face due to genetic predisposition. Drugs such as cream are preferred for the treatment of eczema on the face. To speed up the treatment, harmful environmental factors should be avoided. Standing eczema: It can manifest as itching, redness, blisters, inflammation, dryness, thickening of the skin. Foot eczema and foot fungus are very similar. However, foot fungus mostly occurs between the toes and nails. While the fungus is contagious, standing eczema is not contagious. In standing eczema, the feet must breathe, do not stay sweaty, and use moisturizing cream. In case of eczema in the feet, care should be taken not to stay sweaty, breathe and moisturize with a moisturizer. Stress eczema: Stress can also cause eczema in some cases. To relieve stress eczema, the skin should be moistened at every opportunity and stressful environments should be avoided as much as possible. How is eczema treatment done? How does eczema go? The question of how eczema pain and eczema itching passes are asked quite frequently by patients. When eczema complaints are seen, a dermatology doctor, also known as a skin doctor, should be consulted. Although there is no cure for eczema, the key point in the treatment of eczema is prevention. By consulting a doctor, following the warnings and precautions given, complaints caused by eczema are reduced. In the treatment of eczema, drugs that suppress the non-cortisone immune system, wet dressings and local corticosteroid pomades are used. Neutral soaps, barrier creams, moisturizers, eczema gloves and eczema shampoos are recommended to reduce the frequency of attacks and strengthen the skin. In some patients, atopic dermatitis can flare up after contact with foods, house dust mites, pets. The diet list has a healing effect on eczema, removing the pet from the environment, reducing the amount of mites in the environment. The doctor should be consulted for herbal treatment in eczema. Herbal eczema products or herbal cures on the internet should be used under the supervision of a doctor, as they may have side effects. Gloves used by those with eczema problems at night or women doing housework can be protective. Eczema gloves are made from cotton or combed fabrics and can be effective to stop interactions with allergens that cause eczema. These gloves, which can be used by people who are cleaning or dealing with chemical products, should not be taken without consulting a doctor. What is good for eczema? The precautions to protect against eczema or to spend an attack period are as follows: Care should be taken not to scratch or irritate the eczema area. The environment should have sufficient humidity and heat. The house should be frequently ventilated. Bath frequency should be adjusted according to the season. Care should be taken to take a bath every other day. Hard fibers and pouches should not be used, and baths with very hot water should not be used. Neutral soap should be preferred. After the bath, moisturizer should be applied to the whole body. Care must be taken to ensure that the immune system is strong to protect against eczema. Hands should be moistened frequently. Hands should be washed with warm water and dried with a paper towel. Gloves should be used when cleaning. In winter, woolen clothes should be worn over combed cotton or underwear without touching the skin directly. Items that attract dust, such as wool, fleece carpets and blankets, should especially be kept away from the bedroom. Stress should be avoided. Raw vegetables and fruits, meat and fish products should not be touched with bare hands. Care should be taken to eat healthy. If there is enough daily, water should be drunk. The eczema diet given by the doctor should be applied. What are eczema remedies? There are various medications available for the treatment of eczema. It is extremely important to use these drugs under doctor's control. When eczema is infected, it is necessary to treat the infection along with eczema. Antibiotics may be required if the eczema is very advanced. Mild cortisone creams are usually applied to eczema that is diagnosed early. The cortisone creams are the first choice for eczema that appears as red spots and gives itching. It is useful to take a break from these creams after controlling itching to protect the skin from side effects. Does eczema cause pain? How does eczema itch go? Itching is one of the most important problems in some types of eczema. Patients often itch. This situation exacerbates stress and stress eczema. In this case, patients go into a vicious circle. Itching of the eczema area with nails can cause bleeding, inflammation and pain in the skin. It is very important to make the right treatment planning under the control of the doctor to get rid of itching and eczema complaints. Should special cosmetics be used for eczema? Patients should definitely consult a doctor about using products such as facial cleansing gel, shower gel for eczema. Is eczema seen on the scalp? Eczema is not the definitive solution, but eczema can be found in the hair. Hair eczema is chronic, which is manifested by exfoliation, crusting and sometimes watery wounds on the scalp. Although it shows more lightening in summer, it is increasing in winter. It is confused with psoriasis. Apart from the scalp, eyebrows, sides of the nose, behind the ear, inside the ear and the front of the chest are other areas where seborrheic eczema is observed. Stress has a great effect on the attack of the disease. Genetic factors have an effect on the development of the disease. In the treatment of the disease, medical shampoos, steroid lotions, itching tablets are given as eczema shampoos. Does itch in the eczema at night? Itching in eczema is more especially at night. It can wake the patient from sleep. Itching causes thickening of the skin when it becomes chronic. Fifty percent of babies with atopic dermatitis that started in the newborn period disappear when they are two years old. Is eczema seen in infants? Atopic eczema, known as the host often seen in infancy and childhood due to immunological predisposition and environmental factors, can be relieved in adulthood; but it is repetitive. It affects 5-20 percent of children. It starts in the first 3 months in babies, the face is first kept, then it spreads to the trunk and arm-leg. Dryness and sometimes leaks occur. Arm and leg joints in childhood; In adults, it also settles in the joints, eyelids, nipple and hands. Itching, dryness, redness, flaking and thickening of the skin are observed. Are eczema and psoriasis alike? Eczema and psoriasis are similar in some respects because they cause skin irritation and negatively affect psychology. In psoriasis, itching, as in eczema, may be the most obvious complaint in some patients, but watering is not observed. There are many different types of eczema. Eczema can be completely eliminated with treatment, but psoriasis has a repetitive feature. Is eczema contagious? Eczema disease is not an infectious disease. Does eczema increase in winter? The low rate of cold air and humidity in winter causes eczema disease to increase. Drying of the closed heating systems' living space, wearing thick clothes and warmer bath application can also trigger eczema.

DETAILS MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the operation with the

Face transplant surgery in Turkey with the signing of the third major operations Prof. Dr. Selahattin Ozmen, "a detailed and attentive got to work, or can not be different. All of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, intelligent and resourceful difference can reveal important that you give your details, "he said. 

IDEOLOGY vital operating room doors; What does the surgeon, what to be careful and successful surgeons are continuing to investigate the secrets. Turkey's third face transplant operations carried out successfully Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, recently resigned from the American Hospital Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Professor at the office will begin Dr. Selahattin Ozmen, Med-Index Editor Esra Ozer answered the question. 

Could you please give information about the operation done? 
Branches that need we have received a very large operation, from scalp to toenails can say. Many Plastic Surgeons in microsurgery as I'm doing my colleague. This method of repair and regeneration of areas of tumor removal, closure of non-healing wounds, making new breast after breast cancer and severed limbs instead we use for suturing. 

Basically both head and neck surgery and microsurgery can say that I can apply together. In this way, nose, teeth and bones, together with the face transplant able to perform without the need for another branch. 

Can you tell us the subtleties that make the operation? 
Nose surgery for example in detail, is too much. Very fine work is required. In the early postoperative period is not enough to know what happens, after 6 months-1 year must predict the result will be. Made of a nozzle, six months or three years later you should be able to predict what will become. It is a teacher, 'the fourth dimension surgery' he says, of course, wants to experience them all. 

Just not enough to do the surgery, if you want to go one step further, you have to work more carefully, or you can not be different. You can only be a surgeon, you can not be a virtuoso. All of the intelligent and resourceful people working in our industry, you can put your differences to detail that strongly. 

Who surgery, do not you? 
I think that sex reassignment surgery yapmıyorum.psikolojik balanced, I do not know what you want than to try to avoid surgery patients. What you do in a group of patients because patients are not able to be happy. These patients in psychiatry "body image disturbance" is called patients and psychiatric support basic treatment is not surgery. 

What advice to physicians who have this surgery will be? 
I do not presume to give advice, I have chosen this path or choose just thinking of myself I can share my experience with my younger brother. Patients appear to be close to you, then you will be more attentive happening. 

This is actually the most important detail we have learned from our teacher. Record everything you do with the photos, giving presentations or scientific publications will need to do to prepare. If you get a very large archive containing them. Do not underestimate any case, do save. 

Well you better get what you need to know to become a surgeon? 
I take care of myself to be a good subject I'm talking about. I'm careful, his assistant dressing while my teacher was even observed very carefully, how they talk with patients would follow. Today assistants telling my friends to do the same. In the first year of residency in theory I learned how to do nose surgery. 

I had a very good observe what is done step by step and with this experience I came to without fear level will make every surgery. When I started as an assistant to head operations much I respect my teachers "like you're comfortable doing this surgery for many years to say," was the greatest compliment for me. 

I read a lot and write an article in the medical profession is very important. For example, to write an article 100 of the articles you should read. Thus becomes an incredible knowledge. 20 If you are writing one article two thousand articles you've read. 

The information available in the literature need to know very well, if you do not know who in the past can not develop new techniques. Do you think everything you do, but new research techniques when you think of the new good and bad aspects that defined many years ago, and even painfully aware that this technique can be abandoned. 4 new techniques in nose surgery for myself I can say that I was describing. They mature slowly with the international literature I offer. 

Summarize existing knowledge you learn very well, while surgery "Another method is needed," he says, and you can develop a new technique. 

Need to be humble. Praising yourself you can not improve in any way, anyone that you produce, you evaluate what you are doing by looking. I personally "from an assistant, even when a student can learn from," he makes an effort, I respected his views. Everyone has a different intelligence and perspective, you can see you're not seeing someone else. Everyone can learn something from, patients, the öğrecid career. 

How to Maximum Efficiency in operating theaters removable? 
In fact, the private sector is the best example of it. They use private hospitals operating very effectively. In Turkey, especially in the public sector have difficulties related to the operating room. For example, working in shifts 24 hours a day can be operating in Taiwan. After 17 hours, the operating room for surgery, we routinely shuts down. 

So this is a place that comes to a private institution, but extremely difficult in the public sector to provide income and even some surgeries do not come to your department can be reflected as a loss. However, increasing the number of beds at clinics can use the operating room 24 hours a day. This is actually very important to our patients as intense months after surgery clinics are able to offer an appointment. 

However, several months after patients sometimes can not be operated due to special reasons or illness, intensive appointments to give the program a new appointment to the patient are the major issues for us. In order to increase efficiency regulations needs to be done very well. Just before the applicable laws, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery surgery were doing around 600 per month. No. clinics worldwide, but so do the surgery. However, these numbers were reduced by new regulations. 

How do you prefer to operate in an environment? 
Every surgery is different from each other, and sometimes surgery are making very high stress levels, adrenaline is through the roof, so we do not need bungeejumping. 

First of all, a good anesthesia team is very important, they have the most important part. Anesthesia is very good if you get good results may be difficult. Unnecessary anesthesia unsuitable patients may bleed, blood in the operative field if the process can not attentive enough. If the patient comfortable, we're happy, everything is good. From the first moment of the patients in the postoperative period pain, nausea that comes complaints of these patients, surgery should not expect to be satisfied with the outcome. 

Some surgeons in the operating room art music, some classical music, and some are able to listen to mobile music. I'm not too picky about music, already a major focus on the surgery and I'm doing surgery around me, I'm interested in events that are not associated with the patient. 

How long is the average of the surgery? 
Plastic surgery is very different operation times, have in 5 minutes over several hours (10-15 hours) at the time. 

Do you use prophylactic antibiotics? 
Surgery varies. We use when we need to use according to scientific evidence, any surgery is not useful to use could be harmful. 

It gives information about patients' demographics Are you? Large too tight? 
I'm interested in the sociocultural field is very wide at the lowest level of the person I'm operative, a senior person in the protocol as well. When a patient from a high socioeconomic level in public hospitals May Fail to appreciate the comfort of the hospital. 

Hotel services in public hospitals to perform very well in a way much more difficult. Because the patient cycle too much. I do not make a distinction between patients, and all the people close to me, all I can think as I'm trying to do the best. Unfortunately, time is short, I want to be operated every patient I do not surgery. 

Who helps you with your surgery most? 
Generally, senior assistant chief resident or helping. It becomes very difficult to perform major surgery without an assistant. I need a good surgical nurse. 

Good surgical nurse, especially in private hospitals can sometimes eliminate the need for an assistant. In summary a good anesthesiologist, nurses and assistants required. 

The most anticipated and what are the most feared complications? 
Very variable, which is on the face I or vascular anomalies remain a risky trail to the patient's own terms may seem normal to ask. However, a very risky surgery when planning, "without complications surgery How do I view that" the patients' severity of the case of the ever unwittingly -data I ten of information despite "leaves a scar Do?" Asked for, makes me nervous. 

The patient died during surgery can not ever think of that. They forget that the surgery performed, our name "plastic surgeon" because they think we're doing it up. However, what we do surgery and are doing a really big surgery. 

Plastic Surgery is on the trail foreground. However, pursuant to the laws of nature everywhere you cut leaves a scar. We minimize these traces and store know, but the signs of a method in the world do not completely eliminated. On the trail, we'll do our best, the rest is up to the patient's skin. 

What do you use as material help when the surgery? 
My camera is a must. Before and after each transaction must withdraw. Computer and internet is very important. If you are going to do a different process should investigate. I need a good set of surgeries. You may whistling virtuoso on, but in some cases hand tool works praise.

HOW HEALTHY LIFE was in Ottoman Medicine?

Ottoman History of Medicine who has done research for many years, Prof. Dr. Ayten Altintas, work 'Health in the Lifeblood of the Ottoman Medicine Healthy Living' was presented to the reader by outlining in his book.

Medical methods applied during the Ottoman period üzerinz research is being done. Information relating to that period where the "Health on the Lifeblood of the Ottoman Medicine Healthy Lifestyle" book about the Professor Dr. Ayten Altintas, "This medicine is a part of ancient medicine and ancient medicine has thousands of years of medical knowledge is very experienced. Ottoman medicine was passed through the filter of this information is the state, "he said.

Professor Dr. Ayten Altintas, "Health in the Lifeblood of the Ottoman Medicine Healthy Lifestyle" book related questions answered.

What is the lifeblood of health?
These "things that are most important to live a healthy life" means. The book's original name, "according to the Ottoman Physicians Healthy Living Rules" is.

Why You're viewing health information on the Ottoman era?
I was 35 years and the last 20 years, the Ottoman chronicler of Medicine I am studying medicine. This medicine is a part of ancient medicine and ancient medicine has thousands of years of medical knowledge is very experienced. Ottoman medicine also state that information is passed through the filter. This information should not be introduced to the world I think it's popular. 5 is the first book of a series of libraries and the need to explain the rules of healthy living before I thought. This information is completely Ottoman medical information in the book.

According to Ottoman medicine in health protection should be careful what?
Ottoman medicine is very important to live a healthy and physician's first duty is to give information to people how to live healthy. Medicine for the first part of the book is devoted to the art of healthy living. Not only to protect the health, primary six important points you should pay attention to.
1-Air, Seasons
3 to Sports
6 Purification of the body
This information is given detailed treatment advice.

In particular, wellness information from that period can recommend what are
In particular, little food, to eating without digesting. Quality water to drink. Playing sports. Go to the baths. Emotions give much importance to the state, not to worry, exercise and quality sleep is.
At that time how to communicate with the patient's physician would.
One-to-one communication. The doctor knew very well. He himself would have done checks and visits. The doctor looked at home in the form of a patient's life because he sees and who live with him was based solutions.

Is there a message you want to convey to your readers to?
Those who want to live a healthy life should read this book because I have information here thousands of years, and this information been tested thousands of times.

Surely everyone should read books and listen to music, do you think that you will recommend which one?
I think all Turks "Learn Kutadgu" I must read. Written in the 11th century and "Happiness in two worlds" within the meaning of crucial information is given.
Dance Music of Indiana as the song is very impressive.

Can I get your thoughts on health reporting? What do you pay attention to health news?
The most important resource. What is the source of said information. Where this information has been reached. Now is experiencing a complete chaos in health information. People puzzled. Health journalism is very important. Should provide accurate and useful information to.

Could you briefly introduce yourself?
I graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Pharmacy. I've been working for the History of Medicine since 1975. In 1982, on the staff of the Faculty of Medicine, Doctor, Associate Professor in 1988, took the title of Professor in 1996.
In their study, students are always at the forefront of education will hold. Awareness to the History of Medicine and Medical Ethics in practice I endeavor to enlighten.
Medical History and Ethics is working for 35 years, doing research. Ottoman Medicine, Therapy Rose and give emphasis on traditional medicine. 7 books I have 200 articles.