Ways of Protection from Corona Virus

Ways of protection from the corona virus are possible with individual measures.

In particular, people should pay attention to their own hygiene and the hygiene of those around them, as well as avoid contact with people in public areas.

1) What should we do against the corona virus in public transport?

Infection and Microbiology Specialist Songül Özer answers this frequently asked question due to Covid -19 as follows: “Of course, we do not have the chance to choose the people we will be with in public transport. So what are we gonna do?

If we come across someone who is sneezing or coughing, or if there is someone we think is feeling bad, we should try not to get closer than 1 meter if possible. But of course, this will not always be possible in public transport. If we have such complaints and show such symptoms, we will actually protect ourselves first. So, it is very important here that the sick person wears a mask. When sneezing, if we can carry a tissue, we should immediately cover our mouth and nose and cough or sneeze. After that, we must immediately throw that handkerchief somewhere where no one will touch it, or at least put it in our pocket and then throw it in the nearest trash can we find. Or if we do not have such a handkerchief, we have to cough or sneeze towards the inner surface of our elbow. Hand washing is also very important here. If we had to come into close contact with such a person, let's wash our hands with normal water and normal soap in the nearest place we can find. This is the only way to protect yourself from the corona virus.”

2) How do you strengthen your immune system against viruses?

Infection and Microbiology Specialist Songül Özer answers this frequently asked question due to Covid -19 as follows: “The corona virus is only one of the microorganisms in our lives. There are dozens of viruses and dozens of bacteria that cause epidemics such as the corona virus. So, will we continue to encounter these viruses, these bacteria or fungi all the time?

Yes, they will always be in our lives. How then will we be protected? Or, if these viruses enter our bodies, the rate of being affected will be very different for all of us. In other words, the work goes around again and comes to the immune system. If we keep our immune system strong, that is, if we eat a balanced diet, we will be strong. What does a balanced diet mean? If we eat everything, of course, if there are foods that are forbidden to us, if we have to follow a special diet, that is separate. But if we eat all kinds of food little by little, in sufficient quantities, that is, if we eat a balanced diet. What about sleep? Yes, this is also very important. It is very important to provide an average of 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. Movement is to do regular exercises according to everyone's age, gender, body structure. We don't necessarily have to go to the gym. We don't have to do gymnastics with tools. Simple walks, short walks at the seaside that will not make us sweat, or in places with high oxygen you can find. These and of course and of course staying away from stress. This is the way to strengthen our immune system. Special supplements are only necessary for certain people. Not everyone needs to take vitamins and not everyone needs to take drugs that strengthen the immune system. A balanced diet, regular sleep and regular exercise are the keys to boosting our immune system.”

3) What should we do against the corona virus in the workplace?

Infection and Microbiology Specialist Songül Özer answers this frequently asked question due to Covid -19 as follows: “If we have a friend who shows symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections such as cold and flu in the same workplace or even in the same room, the simplest thing to do is; trying not to come closer than 1 meter to this person.

If we do not have such a chance, we can wear a normal mask if we have to approach more than 1 meter. It doesn't necessarily have to be an N95 type mask. What I'm talking about is the normal surgical mask. Of course, we should not forget that office equipment such as the items we use in common and the phone we use in common can carry this virus, even for a short time. Even doorknobs or computer keyboards can be contagious in this sense. So hand washing is the most important thing. Washing our hands with normal soap and water for 20-30 seconds before putting on the mask, after removing the mask or after touching the common areas will protect us. So, what do we do if we are at home?

4) What should we do against the corona virus in our home?

Infection and Microbiology Specialist Songül Özer answers this frequently asked question due to Covid -19 as follows: There is a risky group for the corona virus. People under the age of 2 and over the age of 65, or those with underlying disease, respiratory system disease, COPD, heart failure, kidney failure, or people who have had an organ transplant, people who have to use immunosuppressant drugs for any reason.

What should we do if we are with such people in our house, for example, if we have elderly people or children? If there are children who go to school or if we share the same house with our relatives who have to live or work in crowded places. If we are together with the people in this risky group we mentioned, what we will do is actually the same. Again, we should wash our hands with normal water and soap, and if we have to share the same environment with people who have symptoms of such diseases, we should take care to wear a surgical mask. Please pay attention to these rules when contacting our elderly and very young relatives. Well, all or most of us have to use public transport during the day. What will we do if we are faced with someone who shows such upper respiratory tract symptoms while on public transport? We will explain it in the next video.”

5) Pay attention to these to protect yourself from the corona virus!

It seems that the corona virus epidemic is on our agenda and will remain on our agenda for a while. Unfortunately, we are all afraid of the corona virus. Some of us can work in places called open offices where many people use the same hall. At one of these tables, at one of our friends working in this hall, there may be people who state that they are coughing, sneezing or having a high fever. We may have employees who have such complaints. First of all, we will not panic.

This is really important. Because every sneeze, every high fever, every cold symptom, as well as an upper respiratory tract infection, does not mean that a person has a corona virus infection.

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