HEALTH NEWS HEALTH PROFESSIONAL nearly two-thirds do not believe in

21 percent of health care professionals , media professionals and 12 per cent of health-related news and articles in the media certainly " unreliable " , indicating that found Anadolu University Faculty of Communication Head of the Department of Press and Publication. Dr.. Erkan Yüksel , " nearly two-thirds of health professionals , the media believes are not given accurate and reliable health information. " He said.

Health journalism is gaining importance day by day. In this area there are very few specialist health reporter. There is a serious dearth of information, related to the field. In order to convey accurate information on health news yet tried to establish reliable mechanisms that said the Anadolu University Faculty of Communication Head of the Department of Press and Publication. Dr.. Erkan Yüksel said on the subject : " Broadcast and content comes a significant increase in terms of number. Especially in the last 15 years, is experiencing a significant improvement in the field of health reporting. Health issues in the media, more attention is being paid now. Health-related pages in newspapers , television programs are able to speak of. Health reporters and editors of identity has been adopted. The number of employees in this area are increasing with each passing day. Look, you can now have opened a debate on health reporting. Health in the field of journalism courses at universities were started. These positive developments... On the other hand, the public also has an intense interest for this publication. These publications has increased and is now more conscious of their health information act say. The information given by the doctor , practiced medicine and drugs no longer can be controlled via the media. Of course, a commercial business ; that there are advertising and promotion as well. However, on the other hand is intensifying criticism of health reporting.

" Health Thematic Research Publishing " Books Going
Also, in the academic sense of the health communication and health journalism in the field have a significant increase in the number of theses. In this area until 2009 when a total of 13 written dissertation , thesis completion of only 6 in 2010 and the number is increasing biggest indicator of this interest. Also as a milestone in the field of health reporting is the manager of research projects that I must mention. Because this project is not only in the field of health reporting ; In the field of communication is one of the most comprehensive study of our country. In 2010 , starting in 2013, which ended in Turkey " Health Theme Publishing Policy Determination : Source, Message and Audience in the Context of Health Themed Release " Analysis of the TUBITAK and Anadolu University Scientific Research Projects Support Commission also supported our project report; summarize the literature on the field , although the size of the media in health communication source , and target audience analysis contains forward. In this context, the media and health professionals consisting of 150 people ; In this interview , including questions that you ask questions pertaining to the evaluation of health reporting asked. In 2010, the internet , television, newspapers and magazines have analyzed all health-related publications. By implementing a nationwide survey of public attitudes and convictions in these publications , these publications have tried to find out how much I care. By organizing two workshops on our findings , we have opened discussions with experts. This month our report based on the project ' Check Up : Health Communication ' to be released from our competitors. However, when compared with developed countries in terms of health reporting in more ways than I can say that we are at the beginning. Experts are so few medical correspondent. Pollution has a serious knowledge relating to this field. Reliable mechanisms to convey accurate information Attempting to yet. Communication and coordination problems between agencies attention. Expected to do something well is enough to put your hands under the stone, they do not appear willing and courageous. Who should do what appears to be mixed at the point of mind. In such an environment, especially for commercial purposes , is popular with all kinds of content and advertising is more conspicuous as. Nevertheless, better than in the past and present positive developments point towards the hope that I get.

News News Publication of the Type property specifies the Transmission
What distinguishes them from other types of news health news Pelin counsel in his dissertation and research have been explained in detail in our report. You can find details of this in our data base. However, if I will summarize the expression ; news health news can be considered as important factors in the lack of the publication of the first of the broadcast nature of news. In addition to being published in a newspaper or news of his health as the first element of evaluation. Then 5N1K classic formula in terms of news value and should be evaluated. Donot Advertoryal or publicity , what kind of writing should be looked at him. After the signature of the presence or absence of news reporter , news, general topics , sub- topics , news sources said institutions should be evaluated factors such as language and narrative structure.

Sources of Information in the First Place Health and Medical Doctors Receiving Officer
Health when asked what are the issues of the publication of the research project we need to look to the findings of our analysis of media content. There are also around 40 main categories and hundreds of sub- categories were elaborated upon. Accordingly, in 2010 in the media content , number of content as nutrition, internal medicine and general surgery, oncology / cancer , cardiology / cardiovascular surgery , health care , beauty care , weight loss and healthy living issues stand out. Newspapers and magazines news or information resources in terms of who the first place considering that health officials and medical doctors are taking. Later, representatives of civil society organizations in the health field , the Minister of Health or Ministry officials most referenced sources of media content.

" Unstable hits from Adobe 's News "
Health news in the literature on the factors to be considered in many similar explanation can be found. Abroad , especially for health journalism associations or unions have important work in this regard. Along with accurate and fact-based reporting rules should be considered , especially for health journalism underlines the point. For example, ¬ corners of Journalism Rules and Provincial Health Correspondent in the first article of the Moscow guide " First, do no harm" he says. Second item "Absolutely search "; third substance " miracle cure Especially not mentioned , give hope ," he says. In the fourth article " Ask yourself the question who benefits from this news ," he says. " Now that you know are sick, infirm and children own, think again ," he says. " Private life and sufferings to make news ," he says. " Never use the histrionics pain ," he says. Most importantly, perhaps " If in doubt give up the news " warns. Health Messengers Association Declaration of Ethical Principles in the size of a small booklet. Also crafted in the UK Science and Health Communication is also an important study guide. When news reporters should pay attention to the case presented in a checklist. Other examples of this are also available. In our country, Education and Health Journalists Association 's ethical principles and decisions. In the first of these principles as " ESA members , journalists, lying , biased , misleading the public , the router can not tell for hope mongering. News student, teacher, patient, physician shall respect the rights. "Is called. In our research project report on the current status of these and more.

People's Charter for Health Publishing ideal of the first to be informative
 Also how the ideal of health reporting that there should be a guideline in the related findings emerging. The people of ideal health news , informative and instructive guidance to be the first of conditions. Illness and people special to not talk , preventive medicine, giving more importance to the physician against defects to be careful , scientific evidence and opinion giving place to the current information , to be followed in medical innovations include the opinion of experts to be consulted , non-expert individuals vocalized Failure guest or news sources in choosing the profession be consulted organizations , public broadcasting in the language , style needs to be considered. Hope mongering , not made use of visual elements best selection, financial concerns , with no conflict of interest not based on the public interest , marketing and advertising -free in nature , to be honest, it may be desirable reality to be reflected in the publication of the principles have determined these principles are adhered to , ethical attention to patients' rights shall be respected and, finally, the monitoring of these publications listed the other elements. For more information on this subject visit our weblog may be from Health and Media.

The Most Important Criticism: Health Journalism Beginner 's still to be seen as the job of reporters
Research we interviewed as part of health and media professionals and academics and experts in this regard reporters need to develop themselves , that explain yourself enough to be knowledgeable , your ethics to adhere to scrupulous to act , the physician receives from the information colloquially convert them to specialization Concern and subject to like the main terms and conditions as are expressed. Of course, the principles of journalism in general, as well as with the principles of health reporting is another point of emphasis. So the specialization in journalism and health reporting needs to be known. In other news today, health journalism at the beginning of the underlying causes of the most significant criticisms of the health reporting still comes to be seen as the work of a novice reporter. Although specific accumulation on behalf of specialization in health journalism journalist and writer with each passing day the number of health reporting in arts reporter still a novice starting writing the first stories of the profession is regarded as one of the types. Therefore, proper attention to health reporting and care given by the sadly not the mainstream media. In terms of medical correspondent ideal environment in which to grow in the faculty of communication unfortunately do not have adequate training in this direction. In this area on a regular and ongoing efforts of civil society organizations also can not speak of. If uncontrolled , as I said at the beginning, from another point of criticism stands as an important and distinct.

News typing Trade Concerns and Criticisms in this direction should be kept out of sight
Primarily health related news writing , people like to communicate with people if they 're paying attention , it should be noted. Apart from this, attention should be paid to the main principles of journalism. Then the ideal principles of health reporting should be kept out of sight. These principles of news writing as perhaps the most important commercial concerns and criticism in this direction be kept out of sight of the public interest and should highlight in this direction, I would like to emphasize that. An area prone to abuse because of health reporting and give everything for the sake of the people of the most significant health problems... The main purpose of the private sector in the whole world to be able to get more profit. Under the project , 91 percent of health care professionals we interviewed health content, publications, resources , staying in the selection of advertising, sponsorship or commercial concerns, they felt the pressure is expressed. 58 percent of media professionals had such a pressure to the question of whether " definitely yes " answer is given. In Turkey, the newspaper readers , 48 percent watch television , 45 percent of the internet following the 46 per cent of health-related publications that more people , physicians , products , medicines and hospitals to be advertised agree that that is expressed. I think this data is enough to reveal the size of the state and do not need to say more.

To Harm , required to Removing Eye Brow Then I will
People can read it , you will not misunderstand , whether ill-informed , whether empty illusions , will not be deceived , would benefit should be a priority target language and narrative structure. The choice of visual material in the public interest , should be paid to potential public disclosure. Exactly news content as well as visual materials society in general ; the old, the young , the sick , the healthy , the neurotic , panic attacks , which the educated , the uneducated , the rich, the poor in mind ; taking into account the possible impact on them should be published. To prevent damage, eyebrows, eye removal necessary to say I will do. In publishing the images of suffering and tragedy once again be considered. Be aware that the image will not be misunderstood. They received special training in health reporting but also subject , to master , seems to be to specialize.

Now even the news published in the newspapers the Ethical Suicide None that we live in a period
The most criticized aspects of health-related broadcasting health programs on the television. Therefore, almost all of the criticisms of health-related publishing apply to these programs. Non-experts to be the guest is one of the most criticized points. For diagnosis and treatment of the narrative has been criticized considerably. Incorrect or missing information can have bad consequences of being expressed. Media practitioners with the knowledge learned from the good and bad sides resorted to the present ; but in health reporting profit and loss account or to make more or less believe that 's not true. Even a single person has learned from the media due to incomplete or incorrect information entering into an incorrect application of the broadcasting loses health can not look positive. Even now the news published in newspapers of suicide are living in an era where there is the ethical. More specific principles for health reporting 're talking about. However, media content, whether we look at the implementation of even the most basic principles of witness. For example, health journalism " give false hope , to talk about miracle cures " have held a special research for policy. According to the findings of our article in our newspaper still " miracle cures " on the news published in a way that is understood that intense. Health and media professionals in the ethical sense they criticize all aspects of the media content. The most important aspect of the work here : in other types of news incorrect information may lead to a violation of personality rights , can cause you to lose your money or prestige. However, the quality of life affect your health reporting a false return , and perhaps in a way that could endanger your health or even your life. Money or prestige , but maybe you can fulfill your health may not be so easy to fulfill.

Treatment learned from the media that the ratio of those who implemented a Level Three in
In our research on public health content in the media is to measure what level of confidence we have. " Partially ( Sometimes) I trust " those who are the majority. However, " no time to trust " for the newspaper said 7.4 percent , to television 5.6 percent and 5.4 percent for the Internet 'luxury segment. Therefore, a significant portion of the community certainly do not rely on the contents of such publications , he says. In another question , however , learned from the media that said the treatments applied in a manner at the rate of one-third. 1.6 percent cut " that implements almost all " is expressed. To those who follow this treatment " benefits or damaged they " asked for it. The results we get from all over Turkey , 1.5 percent of the population 's the " damaged several times that " 0.5 percent of the de " is often damaged " is revealed. Thus, apart from being thought and opinion in this survey , a concrete expression of damage caused to the public is available. Where's the harm resulting figures show that we are. On the other hand, 21 percent of health care professionals we interviewed , 12 percent of media professionals in health-related news and articles in the media certainly " unreliable " find. Approximately two-thirds of health care professionals , believe not given accurate and reliable health information. This form of the media ring reflected health-related publications of the people in every part consciously perceived , whether the person should be private diagnostic and treatment-related opinions and recommendations produce incorrect results could once again hats in front of us putting the need to think about. " How should be selected Topic " in the media, which comes to the question... I've sort of issues that come forward. Most of the issues handled certain. Then a less committed or no unhandled issues we need to look : Health, commercialization , health policy, health system, the community becomes more common other diseases , uncommon diseases, patients and their family problems , health care workers and problems... So a balance arrest I should like to express that.

Internet Users More Informed and Educated People
Internet users are more confident to health related content. The main reason for this is not the accuracy of all information on the Internet ; Internet users to be better informed and educated people and consequently different sites on the internet by visiting what they thought was the most accurate information about it can be investigated and to have the knowledge to distinguish. Of course incorrect or incomplete information is available on the Internet ; however, the presence of sites that need accurate and adequate information and discussion of both can be followed in newspapers, magazines or television is a great advantage against. Many content available on the Internet. Doctors , hospitals, and health-related non-governmental organizations for advertising or marketing purposes alongside broadcast transmissions are also available. Only in this area , the number of broadcasting organizations engaged in journalism is increasing with each passing day. Blogs also are seeing increased reporting. Within the framework of our research project we have opened three separate blogs. " Health Journalism ", " Health and the Media " and " Health and Communication" have his blog. To the report of the research project " Health and the Media " anyone who wishes can access our blog.

If we believe everything we hear , everything we hear from the media, we must also believe
What rings would you recommend? Media literacy in the course material covered not much different , although the public media what and who know that the purpose and functions of learning , hears or reads everything right before accepting analyze the , the results can evaluate that awareness needs to be. How is it that we do not believe everything we hear from someone else , we should not believe in everything we hear from the media. How is it that when we hear something we do an evaluation by looking at who said it first , in what we hear from the media who tells him that ; What faith, and that tells us that what is said to whom receives upon us that we will need to take care that we need to implement it. But still that the public what information is correct and current , incomplete or inaccurate make an assessment regarding whether the expert level is not possible. We can not expect such a thing. At this point, what can be done? Need to think of things to do in it. Especially in terms of media literacy on health literacy knowledge about publishing think that is also needed. This is among the things you can do. On the other hand undoubtedly very positive and very accurate information available in the media. Especially in terms of public health, excellent results can be achieved with the right yayıncılıkl. In the past in different countries of the world and in our country we have to mention the possible health campaign successfully applied. There are still many things that can be done. The fight against smoking , clean air area , we remember recently known anti-obesity campaign campaigns. People in the area of ​​health and preventive medicine , especially in terms of raising awareness in the media able to benefit from a more powerful way.

Media Professional of 24 percent of the Media Coverage of Health Topics Content Checking whether Says
An audit on health-related publications , monitoring, surveillance mechanisms would say that is pretty dismal. Within this research we interviewed agree that control health and media professionals. 38 per cent of health care professionals and media professionals, 24 percent of the content of media coverage of health issues unobserved says. However, the main problem of this control should be done by whom and how it emerges at the point. Because everyone's different opinion. Control will be like , who will, sanctions, What will be the legal size what to cover , expression and press freedom in conflict with the will, they are the topic of discussion... thought to be responsible to the institutions in retrospect they of communication and lack of coordination , duties, powers and responsibilities of the uncertainty or stands out as the unknown spots. Therefore, these publications in a way that controls the efforts of organizations unfortunately do not have sufficient and satisfactory. Americans on the other hand we met a health reporter for the content of the media says that an audit is not true. The point is that the true journalism and good journalism by encouraging example showing up incorrectly states that may get fired. Ethical principles instead of writing the news pointing to what they should be considered. However, none of those interviewed in Turkey, the response of the American journalist said that a close I would like to respond. Can tell you that it is quite surprising to us.

Internet Journalism Resources Demonstration easier;
To specify the source as in academic writing in the news in terms of the type of writing is not very usual practice. However, some overseas citation see that in the news. In particular, the ideas and works of art of the rights holders of the right delivery, is written the accuracy reliability of control , so the reader's trust acquisition, geeks do more research on the possibilities of recognition for reasons such as supply is important to show , I think. However, now in our country, so we can go to such an application in the popular media do not guessed. Because our country correspondent 's name even notice placed in the sometimes luxury is seen as the agency openned in the news outlets used and that " copy-paste " type of news, theft, presence of consider if what I want to be better understood. However, sources in internet journalism can be made easier to show. Internet technology word description able to access even clicked. Sources indicate that access to resources is also possible and even clicking. This is one of the major plus of internet journalism. "

Prof. Dr.. Erkan Yüksel is who?
He was born in 1972. In 1994, Anadolu University Department of Communication Sciences Printing and Publishing graduated first in her class. Then, in master's and doctoral thesis he wrote a thesis on economics journalism. Economy was in a local newspaper journalism. In 1995, was a research assistant at Selcuk University. Three years later he made ​​the transition to Anadolu University. University of Texas at Austin in 2002 as a visiting faculty member found in. A year later the Department of Journalism at the University of Cyprus International has served as President. Associate professor in 2004 , became a professor in 2010. 2005-2008 served as deputy dean of the faculty. Nearly three years as head of the department is fulfilling. Since 2009, conducting studies on health reporting. Professor of Turkey's largest research in this area. Dr.. Ahmet Yalçın Kaya , Professor. Dr.. Abdullah Kocak and Asst. Assoc. Dr.. Sinan Aydın three years , starting in 2010 with the support of TUBITAK and finished with Anadolu University. This month the Check Up : Health Communication await the publication of the book with the name of the project. Also in the field of health reporting " Health and the Media " and " Health " Communication 's blogs.

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